Annual Stampede Dinner Dance & Auction
The 2025 Williams Lake Stampede Annual Dinner, Dance, and Auction will be held Saturday, March 1, 2025 at Sacred Heart School Williams Lake. We look forward to this event each year as it gives us a chance to get dressed up and raise funds to help us host the 97th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
This years event theme is 'Mardi Gras'. Come ready for a night of fun, prizes for the best dressed.
Doors Open and Cocktails @ 5pm
Dinner @ 6 pm
Live Auction @ 7:30pm
We will also be featuring silent and loonie auctions for smaller items, bring your loonies. Dancing will follow the auctions and we will be featuring live entertainment throughout the night. Please bring a friend and enjoy this fun filled evening, and help us fundraise for the upcoming 97th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
Adult Only Event
Dinner and Dance Tickets - $80
Tables of 8 - $600
Dance only after 9pm - $40

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday August 30th @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday August 16th @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday August 2nd @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
PBCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday July 19th @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday July 5th @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Entry form will be posted Friday June 7th @ 9AM
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses. NO ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN AT THE RACE.
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.

BC Little Britches Rodeo
For details and information see the BC Little Britches website here

WLSA Jackpot Barrel Race
BCBRA, CBR and BCFDI Sanctioned
Year-end Prizes - Must attend 6 of the 8 races to qualify.
$250 added in the Open each race
Cash payout at race completion
Online Entries: Friday 9am to Monday 9pm prior to each race.
Payment by etransfer required by entry deadline - NO EXCEPTIONS. Entry Link will be posted in the discussion section when entries open. Etransfer reference number must be included on your entry form.
Scratches will be accepted until 10am on race day with a refund for all but arena fees. NO REFUNDS for scratches after 10am and No-Shows.
Entries submitted past Monday at 9pm will be accepted until 10 am on race day but will incur a $10 late fee. Payment must be sent at time of entry to be entered - NO EXCEPTIONS. Riders will be placed at the bottom of the draw list and may be back to back if multiple horses.
Time Only Runs start at 4pm, $5 each or 3 for $10 cash only at the gate.
Races begin at 6pm and will run rain or shine unless it is unsafe to do so.
Please clean up around your trailers. Cleaning fees will be implemented if grounds are not left clean.
Concession will be open with a steak feature each week.
Draws and results will be posted in the discussion section.
Share and Invite all your friends to this event so they can stay informed on these events.
WLSA Annual Dinner Dance & Auction
The 2024 Williams Lake Stampede Annual Dinner, Dance, and Auction will be held Saturday, March 2, 2024 at TRU Williams Lake. We look forward to this event each year as it gives us a chance to get dressed up and raise funds to help us host the 96th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
This years event theme is 'Rodeo Vegas'. Come ready for a night in Vegas while showcasing your favourite NFR themed fashion.
Doors Open and Cocktails @ 5pm
Dinner @ 6 pm
Live Auction @ 7:30pm
We will also be featuring silent and loonie auctions for smaller items, bring your loonies. Dancing will follow the auctions and we will be featuring live entertainment throughout the night. Please bring a friend and enjoy this fun filled evening, and help us fundraise for the upcoming 96th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
Adult Only Event
Dinner and Dance Tickets - $60
Dance only after 9pm - $40
Williams Lake Stampede Annual General Meeting
Nominations are Open for the Williams Lake Stampede Board of Directors
We invite you to put forth your name for nomination at the Annual General Meeting coming up on September 27th, 2023 at the Williams Lake City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7pm.
We are looking to fill 6 Board of Director positions.
Sub-committee positions are also available for those wanting a less demanding position within the Williams Lake Stampede Association organization.
The Williams Lake Stampede Association has been in existence since 1961 however the World-Famous Williams Lake Stampede has been running since 1920. The stampede takes a full year to plan and organize, that the board of directors work diligently to make happen. As a volunteer run organization, we value each and every moment that people dedicate to putting on the Stampede as well as the other smaller events that we put on for our community.
What is required to be a board member you might ask:
· Attend monthly board meetings
· Assist on a portfolio of your choosing that best meets your interests and skill set
· Be available for work bees
· Be available before, during and after Stampede weekend
· Recruit committee members and future board members
· Terms are 2 years
To hold a board position, one must be a member 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting held on September 27th, 2023. Yearly cost is just $2, payment can be made in person at the infield office or e-transfer to wlsaap0@gmail.com. Sign up using this form:
If you have any questions please contact Court Smith at 250-302-1176
Saturday Vendor Market
Come enjoy our beautiful grounds while you shop at our many local artisans and business owners.
Hours are 10-4.
No admission charge.
Our Infield Concession will be open as well as any food vendors that register.
If you would like to register as a vendor please do so through the following link:
Saturday Vendor Market
Come enjoy our beautiful grounds while you shop at our many local artisans and business owners.
Hours are 10-4.
No admission charge.
Our Infield Concession will be open as well as any food vendors that register.
A list of registered vendors will be listed in the Facebook event as registrations come in.
If you would like to register as a vendor please do so through the following link:

2023 WLSA Dinner Dance & Auction
The 2023 Williams Lake Stampede Annual Dinner, Dance, and Auction will be held Saturday, February 25, 2023 at TRU Williams Lake. We look forward to this event each year as it gives us a chance to get dressed up and raise funds to help us host the 95th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
Doors Open and Cocktails @ 5pm
Dinner @ 6 pm
Live Auction @ 7:30pm
We will also be featuring silent and loonie auctions for smaller items, bring your loonies. Dancing will follow the auctions and we will be featuring live entertainment throughout the night. Please bring a friend and enjoy this fun filled evening, and help us fundraise for the upcoming 95th Annual Williams Lake Stampede.
Adult Only Event
Dinner and Dance Tickets - $60
Dance only after 9pm - $35
Tickets now available here!
Stampede Vendor Market
Come sell your wares at the Stampede Grounds during our Vendor Market.
Open to MLM, Home Based Businesses, Retail Stores and Food Trucks.
Only 1 vendor from each MLM permitted - first come first served.
$21 ($20+GST) per 10 x 10 spot
Registration and payment must be received no later than September 14th.
Tables/tents are not provided you must bring your own.
For any questions please call 250-392-6585 or email info@williamslakestampede.com
Please register online through the following link:
More details and up to date vendor information can be found on Stampede Vendor Market FB
Products ineligible for sales are as follows:
-Chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, medicines, pharmaceuticals, cannabis, tobacco
-Vape pens and/or e-cigarettes
-Firearms/ ammunition / weapons
-Fireworks, explosives
-Amusement devices (rides, inflatables etc)
-Body piercing, permanent tattooing
-Live animals
-Home-made lotions, soaps or beauty-care items – such items must be manufactured by a reputable company in North America or Europe (Proof of Health Canada Certification and Liability Insurance will permit homemade items in this category)
-Motorized vehicles
-Products including off-site activities e.g. installation, service or repair
-Any type of medical testing
*We are looking into possibilities of expanding options.
Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo
The Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo has moved outdoors for 2022.
Come down to watch all the amateur rodeo action!
More information can be found on the WL Indoor Rodeo Website or Facebook Page
Little Britches Rodeo
Contact BC Little Britches Rodeo Association for more information!
Let 'R Buck with Chad Brownlee
Thursday June 30, 2022
Gates open at 9:30pm
Music Starts at the completion of the Rodeo
Tickets are $20 each
Get your tickets HERE
Eagleview 4D Barrel Races Stampede Warm Up Race
Contact Lori Rankin for more information and to enter.
WLSA Dinner, Auction & 'Back in the Saddle' Kick Off Concert
Join us for our annual fundraiser event of the year!
The Dinner, Dance, and Auction is our chance to get dressed up and gather our generous supporters for an evening of fun. It will look a little different this year than in years past, with this year's Dinner and Auction taking place at the WL Curling Rink. We expect a good time to be had by all!
Doors open at the WL Curling Rink at 5pm. Dinner at 5:30. Auction at 7pm.
Following the Dinner and Auction at 8pm, head over to the 'Dance in the Dirt' at our 'Back in the Saddle' Kickoff Concert in the Stampede Grandstand featuring an amazing lineup of BC talent!
Tickets available HERE!!
***CANCELLED*** West Coast Amusements
DUE TO A STAFF SHORTAGE West Coast Amusements has had to cancel their booking in Williams Lake. We are attempting to work with WCA to book for another date.
Williams Lake High School Rodeo
Contact BC High School Rodeo Association for more information!