In the Wild Horse Race, each rider will be allowed two helpers. Each team shall have it’s own saddle, halter and shank. The horses cannot be halter broke. They are haltered, then let out of the chutes by the rodeo management and after the sound of the horn the horse race has officially begun.
The idea is to saddle your horse and steer him across a finish line between two judges with a rider in the saddle.
Something that sounds so simple to do, but in reality rarely ever goes too smoothly. If only one team were in the arena at a time it certainly would be easier. But there are usually at least six to eight teams at the Williams Lake Stampede and they are all over the place.
The horses are not mistreated in any way but the race is often physically very hard on the bodies of the contestants. Come and see some action packed races at Williams Lake Stampede.
The origins of the Mountain Race date to the early days of the Stampede In the 20’s when cowboys raced down the side of Fox Mountain across what is now Highway 97 and on into the Stampede grounds. This is now a scaled down version and exhibition providing fun for the contestants and the audience.
A maximum of ten riders race each day for added prize monies and points. On the fourth day the number 1 and 2 winners from the first three days are guaranteed a spot in the race. All points carry forward through the final race to decide the Mountain Race Champion. Riders are introduced about 1/2 hour before race time as they parade through the rodeo arena. They exit the arena and ride up the hill to the start. A horn sounds and the race is on. Almost the entire race is visible from the grandstand seating.
The rules state that riders must stay on the designated course which includes sharp turns and a mud and water hazard before the steep drop down to the track. Riders can be disqualified for infractions involving rules, straying from the marked course and for jostling or bumping other riders and horses. Any point ties will be split by adding up the total racers times.
The contestants must sign up daily, pay the entry fees, and all contestants must sign a liability waiver. The dress code is jeans, shirt, colored vest provided, cowboy hat, socks and underwear optional.
If you wish to participate in the Mountain Race or obtain more information about the Race, please contact Chief Lulua at 1-250-267-5559.
The Wild Cowgirl Race at the Williams Lake Stampede.
The Wild Cowgirl Race is a 3/8 mile flat race open to women only, during the Williams Lake Stampede. Entering it's fourth year at the Stampede, this unique event is very popular with contestants and spectators alike. As the name indicates this event features some of the bravest and most wild young women in the Cariboo and beyond - drawing on competitors locally, nationally, and internationally. This is another bragging rights event, hold on to your hats as your watch this one! Find more information about the race Rules and Regulations here and how to register for the race on the event Facebook Page.
Ranch Bronc Riding
$2,000 added prize money, split among the top three riders. Montana Silversmith’s Buckle goes to the top rider.
This popular event was originally included in the Ranch Challenge and is now a separate event on its own. Open to any non -professional riders. Riders are required to dress up/or decorate their C+ Rodeo Stock Bronc and ride them for up to 8 seconds in a regular saddle. There is no spur out rule as required in Rodeo bronc riding. Riders are scored on their ability to entertain the public. There is a $50 entry fee. This event will run on Saturday during the rodeo performance.
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